Some of you have requested the pattern for the Santa Clause ornament, so here it is and enjoy!
I have received quite a few emails requesting the pattern so here it is. enjoy! its never to early to start on next season's ornaments!
By Patti Lavalley
Trace body and face onto freezer paper to make templates and cut out. Iron the body template onto wrong side of a 9”X7” fabric rectangle, folded lengthwise with right sides together. Iron face template onto right side of small piece of flesh colored cotton fabric and fuse Wunder Under onto wrong side. Set aside for now. Sew around the Santa body, trim closely and slit one side only to turn and stuff. Turn right side out; define points with end of paintbrush. Iron the piece and then iron the face onto front of Santa, fused side down. Use feature guide to draw face with fine point black micron pen. Use fine paintbrush to paint eye corners white, iris blue and then use pin head to paint a black pupil. Use other rend of pin to add a tiny dollop of white for pupil highlight. Blush cheeks and seal with matte finish acrylic spray sealer. Stuff firmly and close. Paint the tips of hands flesh, and the tips of feet black. Loop white yarn around two fingers to make beard loops and wrap yarn around 1 finger to make hairloops. Sew onto doll’s face where indicated. Glue trim around sides of face, glue micro beads. Add beaded or other trim around top of hat and sew tiny bell to tip. Sew a loop of cord for hanging at top of head back. Sew tiny buttons to the front, add glitter. This cute little 4” ornament makes a great gift for make several for yourself. You can insert the Santa into the chimney of homemade card as well! Enjoy!

This year my annual ornament making sessions have doubled as cards. Each 4" Santa Claus i ornament is removable from it's chimney.